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I obtained my PhD from University Pompeu Fabra, while working at Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona, Spain, in the group of Arnau Sebé Pedrós. I worked on modeling gene regulation in the context of cell type evolution in early metazoans. To this end, I was analyzing single cell transcriptomics and chromatin profiling data, and using it to model cell type specific gene regulatory logic.


I obtained my Master of Science degree from the University of Zagreb, Croatia, where I worked in the Bioinformatics Group and developed coRdon, a Bioconductior package for the analysis of codon usage. Later I also worked as a bioinformatician in the Genomics Facility at The Institute of Cancer Research in London, UK.


I am an alumni of NGSchool Society, an NGO that supports bioinformatics community in Central and Eastern Europe. We organized training events for early career stage researchers in computational biology, including a yearly summer school and various conferences, as well as online workshops and lectures. NGSchool is always on the look-out for new people, so if you want to join, don’t hesitate to get in touch!


In my free time I enjoy reading, traveling, taking photos, hiking and running.